Biblioteca Judeţeană Hunedoara

muzică romantică

Subiect Tematic: muzică romantică
Lucrări: 19 lucrari in 20 publicatii in 3 limbi
Dacă mă mai iubeşti : CD-Audio de: (Înregistrări sonore muzicale)
Soft melodies & sweet songs: 200 hits & evergreens for romantic moments : Memories are made of this. CD 8 de: Luke, Robin; Anka, Paul; Martin, Dean; Presley, Elvis; Francis, Connie (Înregistrări sonore muzicale)
Soft melodies & sweet songs: 200 hits & evergreens for romantic moments : The green door. CD 7 de: Richard, Cliff; Presley, Elvis; Cash, Johnny; Anka, Paul; Mathis, Johnny (Înregistrări sonore muzicale)
Soft melodies & sweet songs: 200 hits & evergreens for romantic moments : Oh what a dream. CD 9 de: Nelson, Ricky; Richard, Cliff; Peterson, Ray; Presley, Elvis; Como, Perry (Înregistrări sonore muzicale)
Soft melodies & sweet songs: 200 hits & evergreens for romantic moments : Goodnight Irene. CD 10 de: Boone, Pat; Presley, Elvis; Anka, Paul; Reeves, Jim; Como, Perry (Înregistrări sonore muzicale)
Romantic Moments^ de: (Multimedia)
Soft melodies & sweet songs: 200 hits & evergreens for romantic moments : That's amore. CD 4 de: Richard, Cliff; Presley, Elvis; Como, Perry; Martin, Dean; Anka, Paul (Înregistrări sonore muzicale)
Soft melodies & sweet songs: 200 hits & evergreens for romantic moments : Treasure of love. CD 6 de: Anka, Paul; Lee, Brenda; Presley, Elvis; Martin, Dean; Orbison, Roy (Înregistrări sonore muzicale)
Soft melodies & sweet songs: 200 hits & evergreens for romantic moments : It's now or never. CD 5 de: Belafonte, Harry (1927-....); Clooney, Rosemary; Smith, Carl; Presley, Elvis; Heap, Jimmy (Înregistrări sonore muzicale)
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